Student Life

6 Tips to Landing an On-Campus Job

For students looking for work, on-campus jobs are not only a great way to make a little money, but they’re also a great way to meet new people.  On-campus jobs offer students a much more flexible environment, where their studies come first, while still providing them with valuable experience that they can take with them after they graduate.  However, for many students, it can be difficult figuring out how to get a job like this.  This is why we decided to put together some tips to help you find on-campus work.

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Don’t limit yourself.  You may not always find your “perfect” job, however, you can certainly find one that fits at least most of what you want.  Think of the skills you want to learn and what areas you might be interested in.  Even if it’s not in your major field, the experience can never hurt.

Follow up.  Be sure to follow up on any applications you have submitted.  If you haven’t heard back in a week, be sure to send a follow up email or phone call.  It won’t hurt to remind people of who you are, and your interest in the position.

Find openings by looking online, talking to your friends, and visiting departments.  Keep your eyes peeled.  While looking on your school’s website can help, it will certainly not hurt you to ask your friends, classmates, and professors as well.  Let them know about your interests and ask them if they know of any positions on campus.  You never know:  Their recommendation may help you get a job more easily.

Don’t give up looking if you don’t find something right away.  Don’t feel discouraged if you didn’t get your top choice for a job, or you aren’t finding what you want.  Student positions are always popping up, as students graduate and there is always a need for student help.

Be professional.  One of the major obstacles students face when looking for a job can be an unprofessional attitude.  Make sure you maintain a professional attitude, as this will go a long way with any potential employer.  Especially when taken seriously, this will not only be something you can put on your resume, but it will also help you shine in any recommendation your previous employers give you.

Take your job seriouslyAnother major obstacle for students is balancing school, work, and a social life.  While school should come first, you should also be mindful that you do have certain responsibilities that come with your job.  Take what you do seriously, as the experience you get from any job you hold will help you in the future.

For students, on-campus jobs can be a great way to make a little money in school, while not taking on so much responsibility that they get overwhelmed.  In many cases, on-campus jobs allow students the flexibility and the experience they need to make it to graduation.  While it may not seem easy at first, being professional, persistent, and keeping your eyes peeled can certainly help you on your way to landing an on-campus job.


“How and Why to Get an On-Campus Job” by Julie Mayfield and Lindsey Mayfield

“Five Reasons Why:  You should get a job on campus” by Heather Huhman

“Tips to Getting an On-Campus Job” from UW River Falls

Roommates, Student Life

Tips for Living with a Roommate for the First Time

If you’re going off to college for the first time and moving into university housing, in most cases you’ll be put into a room with at least one other student. From our experience, many students go into this situation blindly or ill-informed. This is why we’ve put together a few tips for you to avoid making many of the mistakes first-time students make when moving in with their roommate.

Email your new roommate before you move in. When you first get your roommate assignment, it’s a good idea to email them before you move in. In most cases your school will provide you with their email address. Be sure to introduce yourself in the email and tell them a little bit about yourself. While you should express a little bit about who you are, this is not the time for you to tell them about your “quirks”. Save that discussion for when you both move in because sharing this will most likely scare them. There is such a thing as TMI.

Find your roommate on Facebook. Most people today have a Facebook. You may want to check out your new roomie and friend them. You may get a little more insight into who they are. However, don’t get completely freaked out if you see something there that you may not like or agree with. You can’t judge a book by its cover.

Keep an open mind when you first meet your new roommate. Like we said before, you really can’t judge a book by its cover. Take some time to really get to know your roommate. It’s important that you two (or three) can at least get along.

Don’t expect to be best friends with your roommate. As we may have mentioned in some of our previous posts, it’s important to know that you may not be best friends with your new roommate(s). This is why you shouldn’t go into the situation believing that you will be “BFFs”. Your expectation instead should be able to get along with your roommate.

Establish room rules on the first day you both move in. Many schools will have their students fill these out on the first day you move in. While it may seem stupid, you may want to actually take this seriously. Remember: It is important, from the start, to establish how your room will be used and other expectations you and your roommate may have.

Be sure to communicate with one another. This is the most important part of getting along with your new roommate, but probably the most neglected. You should remember that open and honest communication is the best way to avoiding big blowups between you and your roommate.

While it seems like it will be difficult getting used to a new roommate, it actually isn’t too hard. Just remember to avoid judging a book by its cover, to keep an open mind, to set expectations for how your room will be used early on, and to communicate frequently and openly with your roommate. In these ways you can ensure that you and your roommate will have a smooth and easy transition into living with one another.

Articles we referenced . . .
