Housing Advice, Renting

Our New Sample Sublet Agreement

For students, subletting can be a great way to finance your apartment while you study abroad or take that internship that you’ve been dreaming of.  It’s also really beneficial for landlords, too.  We spoke with Diane St. Laurent, a property manager in Rhode Island and our expert, who tells us that if a tenant is no longer able to pay or needs to leave early, a sublet agreement can be a great idea, as a subtenant can take over and ensure that the landlord is still getting paid even when the original tenant has left.

However, putting together a sublet agreement can be confusing, especially if you’ve never done it before.  At JumpOffCampus, we try to make the off-campus experience as easy as possible, and this is why we’ve put together a sample agreement for you.

To put together this resource, we reviewed tons of different lease agreements, and drew upon the best elements of each.  Why re-invent the wheel, after all?  Our agreement outlines the basics of what you’ll need to consider when subletting, including things like liability and your landlord’s approval.   It ensures that you don’t forget the essentials, and makes room for all the provisions you and your landlord need.

Dealing with sublets doesn’t have to be stressful, and with the Official JumpOffCampus Sublet Agreement, it can be even easier.  It’s only one click away!

Added Considerations for Subletting:

For student tenants:  We strongly urge you to talk to your landlord before subletting, as your lease may not allow for it and/or your landlord may require specific accommodations for subletting in a new/revised lease.

For landlords:  St. Laurent explains that sublets will only be legally possible under specific conditions:

a)    The original lease makes provisions for subletting.

b)   If the original lease does not have a provision for subletting, the original lease is terminated and a new lease with the new tenant is made, or

c)    The original lease has a provision for modifications, in which a sublet clause could be added to legalize the sublet.

St. Laurent also explains that sublet agreements should establish proper liability for damage and payments.  She explains that with longer sublets, it is a good idea to have the new tenant liable for damages, and with shorter sublets, it is best to have the original tenant held liable.  In this way, the appropriate individuals are held accountable.


The material and information contained in this agreement are for general information purposes only. You should not rely upon the material or information on the website as a basis for making any business, legal or any other decisions. JumpOffCampus assumes no legal liability (to the extent permitted by law) or responsibility for any loss of damage (including, without limitation, damage for the loss of business of profits) arising directly or indirectly from the use of the agreement, or any of the material contained in it.

References for Our Sublet Agreement:

Tenant Resource Center in Madison, Wisconsin

REALTECH Real Estate Services, Inc. in Pleasanton, California


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